Calico 备忘
本文为流水式备忘,一切以 Calico 官方文档为主:
Calico v2.0 版本支持以下平台:
- Kubernetes v1.1+
- Mesos
- Docker
- Openstack Mitaka, Liberty, Kilo, Juno and icehouse
1. calicoctl
1.1. Command Reference
1.1.1. Overview
# calicoctl --help Usage: calicoctl [options] <command> [<args>...] create Create a resource by filename or stdin. // 从标准输入或者文件创建资源 replace Replace a resource by filename or stdin. // 从标准输入或者文件更新资源 apply Apply a resource by filename or stdin. This creates a resource if it does not exist, and replaces a resource if it does exists. // 从标准输入或者文件应用资源,如果资源存在则更新「Replace」,不在则创建 「Create」 delete Delete a resource identified by file, stdin or resource type and name. // 从文件、标准输出或者资源类型和名字删除资源 get Get a resource identified by file, stdin or resource type and name. // 通过文件、标准输入或者资源类型和名字获取定义的资源 config Manage system-wide and low-level node configuration options. // 管理系统层和较低级别的节点配置选项 ipam IP address management. // IP 地址管理 node Calico node management. // Calico 节点管理 version Display the version of calicoctl. // 显示 calicoctl 版本 Options: -h --help Show this screen. -l --log-level=<level> Set the log level (one of panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug) [default: panic] // 设置日志级别 Description: The calicoctl command line tool is used to manage Calico network and security policy, to view and manage endpoint configuration, and to manage a Calico node instance. See 'calicoctl <command> --help' to read about a specific subcommand.
1.1.2. create
、 replace
、 apply
、 delete
# Create a policy using the data in policy.yaml. calicoctl create -f ./policy.yaml # Create a policy based on the JSON passed into stdin. cat policy.json | calicoctl create -f -
# Replace a policy using the data in policy.yaml. calicoctl replace -f ./policy.yaml # Replace a policy based on the JSON passed into stdin. cat policy.json | calicoctl replace -f -
# Apply a policy using the data in policy.yaml. calicoctl apply -f ./policy.yaml # Apply a policy based on the JSON passed into stdin. cat policy.json | calicoctl apply -f -
# Delete a policy using the type and name specified in policy.yaml. calicoctl delete -f ./policy.yaml # Delete a policy based on the type and name in the YAML passed into stdin. cat policy.yaml | calicoctl delete -f - # Delete policy with name "foo" calicoctl delete policy foo
1.1.3. get
# List all policy in default output format. calicoctl get policy # List a specific policy in YAML format calicoctl get -o yaml policy my-policy-1
-o --output=<OUTPUT FORMAT> Output format. One of: yaml, json, ps, wide, custom-columns=..., go-template=..., go-template-file=... [Default: ps]
默认 get
命令输出格式为 ps
$ calicoctl get hostEndpoint HOSTNAME NAME host1 endpoint1 myhost eth0
$ calicoctl get hostEndpoint --output=wide HOSTNAME NAME INTERFACE IPS PROFILES host1 endpoint1,0:bb::aa prof1,prof2 myhost eth0 profile1
$ calicoctl get hostEndpoint --output=custom-columns=NAME,IPS NAME IPS endpoint1,0:bb::aa eth0
/ json
以 yaml
或者 json
$ calicoctl get hostEndpoint --output=yaml - apiVersion: v1 kind: hostEndpoint metadata: hostname: host1 labels: type: database name: endpoint1 spec: expectedIPs: - - 0:bb::aa profiles: - prof1 - prof2 - apiVersion: v1 kind: hostEndpoint metadata: hostname: myhost name: eth0 spec: profiles: - profile1
如果节点没有运行 etcd,那么需要通过 ETCD_ENDPOINTS
指定 etcd 地址,否则将无法操作:
ETCD_ENDPOINTS= calicoctl get bgppeers
1.1.4. config
# calicoctl config --help Set the Calico datastore access information in the environment variables or or supply details in a config file. Usage: calicoctl config set <NAME> <VALUE> [--node=<NODE>] [--raw=(bgp|felix)] [--config=<CONFIG>] calicoctl config unset <NAME> [--node=<NODE>] [--raw=(bgp|felix)] [--config=<CONFIG>] calicoctl config get <NAME> [--node=<NODE>] [--raw=(bgp|felix)] [--config=<CONFIG>] Examples: # Turn off the full BGP node-to-node mesh calicoctl config set nodeToNodeMesh off # Set global log level to warning calicoctl config set logLevel warning # Set log level to info for node "node1" calicoctl config set logLevel info --node=node1 # Display the current setting for the nodeToNodeMesh calicoctl config get nodeToNodeMesh Options: -n --node=<NODE> The node name. --raw=(bgp|felix) Apply raw configuration for the specified component. This option should be used with care; the data is not validated and it is possible to configure or remove data that may prevent the component from working as expected. -c --config=<CONFIG> Path to the file containing connection configuration in YAML or JSON format. [default: /etc/calico/calicoctl.cfg] Description: These commands can be used to manage global system-wide configuration and some node-specific low level configuration. The --node option is used to specify the node name for low-level configuration that is specific to a particular node. For configuration that has both global values and node-specific values, the --node parameter is optional: including the parameter will manage the node-specific value, excluding it will manage the global value. For these options, if the node-specific value is unset, the global value will be used on the node. For configuration that is only global, the --node option should not be included. Unsetting the global value will return it to it's original default. For configuration that is node-specific only, the --node option should be included. Unsetting the node value will remove the configuration, and for supported configuration will then inherit the value from the global settings. The table below details the valid config options. Name | Scope | Value | -----------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ logLevel | global,node | none,debug,info,warning,error,critical | nodeToNodeMesh | global | on,off | asNumber | global | 0-4294967295 | ipip | global | on,off |
目前 calicoctl config
只有 logLevel
可以单独设置节点,其它如 nodeToNodeMesh
、 asNumber
、 ipip
1.1.5. ipam
Usage: calicoctl ipam <command> [<args>...] release Release a Calico assigned IP address. show Show details of a Calico assigned IP address. Options: -h --help Show this screen. Description: IP Address Management specific commands for calicoctl. See 'calicoctl ipam <command> --help' to read about a specific subcommand.
目前 calicoctl ipam
的地址管理相对 v2.0
以下的版本,功能还是比较弱的,有 release
和 show
calico ipam release
用于从 Calico 清除未被正常回收的地址
$ calicoctl ipam release --ip=
calico ipam show
用于获取指定 ip 地址使用情况
# IP is not assigned to an endpoint $ calicoctl ipam show --ip= IP is not currently assigned # Basic Docker container has the assigned IP # 表明该 IP 地址已绑定 Docker 容器 $ calicoctl ipam show --ip= No attributes defined for
1.1.6. node
Usage: calicoctl node <command> [<args>...] status View the current status of a Calico node. // 获取 Calico 节点当前状态 diags Gather a diagnostics bundle for a Calico node. // 收集节点诊断信息 checksystem Verify the compute host is able to run a Calico node instance. // 验证系统环境是否可以运行 Calico 节点实例 Options: -h --help Show this screen. Description: Node specific commands for calicoctl. These commands must be run directly on the compute host running the Calico node instance. See 'calicoctl node <command> --help' to read about a specific subcommand.
获取 Calico 节点状态信息:
$ sudo calicoctl node status Calico process is running. IPv4 BGP status +--------------+-------------------+-------+----------+-------------+ | PEER ADDRESS | PEER TYPE | STATE | SINCE | INFO | +--------------+-------------------+-------+----------+-------------+ | | node-to-node mesh | up | 23:30:04 | Established | +--------------+-------------------+-------+----------+-------------+ IPv6 BGP status No IPv6 peers found.
calicoctl node run
calico 节点启动参数选项:
Usage: calicoctl node run [--ip=<IP>] [--ip6=<IP6>] [--as=<AS_NUM>] [--name=<NAME>] [--log-dir=<LOG_DIR>] [--node-image=<DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME>] [--backend=(bird|gobgp|none)] [--config=<CONFIG>] [--no-default-ippools] [--dryrun] [--init-system] [--disable-docker-networking] [--docker-networking-ifprefix=<IFPREFIX>] Options: -h --help Show this screen. --name=<NAME> The name of the Calico node. If this is not supplied it defaults to the host name. // 指定 Calico 节点名,如果没有指定则默认主机名 --as=<AS_NUM> Set the AS number for this node. If omitted, it will use the value configured on the node resource. If there is no configured value and --as option is omitted, the node will inherit the global AS number (see 'calicoctl config' for details). // 设置当前节点的 AS number,如果未指定,默认使用全局 As number --ip=<IP> Set the local IPv4 routing address for this node. If omitted, it will use the value configured on the node resource. If there is no configured value and the --ip option is omitted, the node will attempt to autodetect an IP address to use. Use a value of 'autodetect' to always force autodetection of the IP each time the node starts. // 设置当前节点本地 IPv4 路由地址,如果未指定, // 则使用节点资源配置的值,如果也未配置,则自动探测使用地址 --ip6=<IP6> Set the local IPv6 routing address for this node. If omitted, it will use the value configured on the node resource. If there is no configured value and the --ip6 option is omitted, the node will not route IPv6. // 设置当前节点本地 IPv6 路由地址,如果未指定选项 ,如果未指定, // 则使用节点资源配置的值,如果也未配置,则不会路由 IPv6 --log-dir=<LOG_DIR> The directory containing Calico logs. [default: /var/log/calico] // 指定 Calico 日志存储目录,默认为 /var/log/calico --node-image=<DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME> Docker image to use for Calico's per-node container. [default: calico/node:%s] // 指定节点镜像 --backend=(bird|gobgp|none) Specify which networking backend to use. When set to "none", Calico node runs in policy only mode. The option to run with gobgp is currently experimental. [default: bird] // 指定网络存储类型,gobgp 当前处于实验性阶段,默认使用 bird --dryrun Output the appropriate command, without starting the container. // 只输出执行命令信息,而不启动容器 --init-system Run the appropriate command to use with an init system. // 使用 init system 运行命令 --no-default-ippools Do not create default pools upon startup. Default IP pools will be created if this is not set and there are no pre-existing Calico IP pools. // 启动不创建默认的 IP 池 --disable-docker-networking Disable Docker networking. // 停用容器网络 --docker-networking-ifprefix=<IFPREFIX> Interface prefix to use for the network interface within the Docker containers that have been networked by the Calico driver. [default: cali] // docker 容器接口前缀,默认 cali -c --config=<CONFIG> Path to the file containing connection configuration in YAML or JSON format. [default: /etc/calico/calicoctl.cfg] // 配置文件路径,默认 /etc/calico/calicoctl.cfg Description: This command is used to start a calico/node container instance which provides Calico networking and network policy on your compute host.
1.2. 资源类型
apiVersion: v1 // API 版本号 kind: <type of resource> // 资源类型 metadata: // 元数据 # Identifying information name: <name of resource> ... spec: // 资源配置信息 # Specification of the resource ...
配置 Calico 集群节点,支持如下别名: bgppeer
、 bgppeers
、 bgpp
、 bgpps
、 bp
、 bps
apiVersion: v1 kind: bgpPeer metadata: scope: node // 范围:global/node node: rack1-host1 // 节点对应的主机名,如果是 scope 为 global,则此行必须省略 peerIP: // 当前 peer ip 地址 spec: asNumber: 63400 // 当前 peer As Number
Field | Description | Accepted Values | Schema |
scope | Determines the Calico nodes to which this peer applies. | global, node | string |
node | Must be specified if scope is node, and must be omitted when scope is global. | The hostname of the node to which this peer applies. |
string |
peerIP | The IP address of this peer | Valid IPv4 or IPv6 address. | string |
此处 node 官档标明为主机名,另外实际测试中如果此处指定 calico node 启动时指定的节点名「非主机名」时,跨容器路由会有问题,所以此处必须标注为主机名。
关于 BGP 的一些术语:
在 BGP 网络中,所有参与 BGP 进程的路由器都称为 BGP-speaking 路由器(BGP-speaking 可以看成是 BGP 会话的意思)
对于活动的 BGP-speaking设备,称为 peer设备,它与其他 BGP-speaking 设备之间有一个活动的 TCP 连接。BGP speaker是指本地 BGP 路由器,而 peer(对等,或者对端)是指任何其他 BGP-speaking 网络设备
当 BGP peer 路由器位于不同 AS 中时,它们之间互称对方为外部 peer,当它们位于同一个 AS 中时,则称为内部 peer
当在 peer 设备间(也就是相互直接连接的 BGP 路由器之间)建立了 TCP 连接,每个 BGP peer 就会立即与对端交换所有的路由表,也就是完整的 BGP 路由表
- Host Endpoint Resource (hostEndpoint)
Host Endpoint
资源表示运行 Calico 主机关联接口,每个主机的 endpoint 包括针对该接口设置 labels 和 profiles,用以应用相关策略。
apiVersion: v1 kind: hostEndpoint metadata: name: eth0 node: myhost labels: type: production spec: interfaceName: eth0 expectedIPs: - - profiles: - profile1 - profile2
- IP Pool Resource(ipPool)
定义 Calico IP 地址资源池,除了 ipPool
还有以下别名: ippool
、 ippools
、 ipp
、 ipps
、 pool
、 pools
apiVersion: v1 kind: ipPool metadata: cidr: spec: ipip: enabled: false nat-outgoing: true disabled: false # 标注为 true 表示不启用该地址池
:ipip tunneling configuration for this pool. If not specified, ipip tunneling is disabled for this pool. 在公有云平台跨主机通信需要添加这一选项
:When enabled, packets sent from calico networked containers in this pool to destinations outside of this pool will be masqueraded。简单说,使得容器可以访问外网
- Node Resource (node)
定义节点资源,除了 node
,还可以使用 nodes
、 no
、 nos
默认启动 Calico node 实例,会自动创建一个使用主机名的节点资源。
apiVersion: v1 kind: node metadata: name: node-hostname spec: bgp: asNumber: 64512 ipv4Address: ipv6Address: 2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334
# calicoctl get node -o wide NAME ASN IPV4 IPV6 k8smaster-64-1-hzifc 64511 k8snode-47-200-hzifc 64514 k8snode-64-10-hzifc 64513
- Policy Resource(policy) 和 Profile Resource(profile)
关于规则的设置,当前还没有实际使用,具体可参考官网内容 Policy Resource (policy) 和 Profile Resource(profile)。